Naturopathy is the treatment system of curing diseases with the help of five elements of nature namely Earth, Water, Fire, Ether, & Air.
Naturopathy is based on the recognition that the body possesses not only a natural ability to resist disease but inherent mechanisms of recovery & self-regulation. In practice, naturopaths employ only agents upon whom life depends & more or less as they are found in nature, such as water, fresh air, clay, natural food, sunlight, exercise etc. modern naturopaths also use methods such as acupressure, magnet therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, herbals etc.
The two basic principles of naturopathy are (1) There is one and only cause of the disease: the accumulation of toxins in the body (2) It is Nature that heals, not the physician or medicines.
Naturopathy is a philosophy and a set of principles based on sciences that lead to an extraordinary level of personal health and happiness.
It recognizes that personal health, environmental health and community health are parts of a whole Naturopathy teaches that the best way to achieve optimum health is right living, developing self-esteem & a positive attitude towards life, eating fresh, whole natural foods, exercising regularly, getting plenty of rest & sleep, getting plenty of fresh air & sunshine, learning to handle stress and avoiding all negative influences of life.